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Welcome to this brand new and still pretty empty blog of mine.

Starting tomorrow, I will fill it everyday until Christmas with a new cookie recipe, complete with photos and little stories, just like an Advent calendar.

I hope it will inspire you to start your holiday baking, stock your cupboards with flours and nuts, turn the oven on and fill your home with the aroma of butter and spices.

I love to make cookies and I've been having so much fun baking and shooting for this project.
When I bake alone, it becomes a quiet moment of meditation, but with kids or dear friends it's great fun, too. Cookies are such a good excuse to have your neighbours over for a cup of tea, and they make the sweetest presents.

You can read more about the idea for this little project here.

And you can leave your email address below and receive twenty-four sweet cookie posts in your inbox, one everyday.

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    1. ich hoffe den Erwartungen meines liebsten Publikums gerecht zu werden...
